Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 2

The Integrity Question

The easiest person to deceive is the person in the mirror. But when we do the hard work of being honest with ourselves, we’re on our way to not selling ourselves on a potential regret.

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Jeremiah 17:9. What stands out to you? How does it make you feel?

  2. When was the last time you “sold yourself” in order to justify a purchase?

  3. If a sales associate in a retail establishment said to you the kinds of things you say to yourself (when selling yourself), how would you respond?

  4. Where do you struggle the most telling yourself the truth? What are your go-to justifications?

  5. Jesus said that knowing the truth will set us free (John 8:32). But acknowledging what's true can be terrifying. Is it possible that the fear of what you might discover about yourself by being honest with yourself is an obstacle to the freedom you desire?

  6. In what current circumstance do you need to ask: Am I being honest with myself... really?

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.—Proverbs 27:12


Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 3


Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 1