Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 5

The Maturity Question

It's human nature to snuggle up to the edge of irresponsibility or disaster and stay there as long as possible. But instead of wondering how close we can get before crossing the line, we need to ask ourselves perhaps the most important question we can ever ask.

Discussion Questions

  1. “Our excuses escort us to the threshold of regret and abandon us there with little margin for error.” Does this statement ring true for you? Can you think of an example?

  2. When making a decision, why are we more prone to evaluate options through the filters of legal, moral, ethical, and acceptable than through the filter of wisdom?

  3. Read Ephesians 5:11–16. What key words stand out to you? Why?

  4. Would you commit to asking—not acting on—but simply asking the wisdom question for seven days every time you make a decision? In light of my past experience, my current circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do?

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.– Proverbs 27:12


Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 6


Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets | Week 4