RE: Relationship Essentials | Week 1
Big Idea:
You cannot do life alone and find true fulfillment.
Getting Started:
Relationships are very fulfilling and very difficult all at the same time. We have a desire to know people and have people know us but it’s a lot messier than that.
Where do relationships go wrong?
Is it even possible to have healthy relationships?
Relationships don’t come easy to everyone, many introverts feel paralyzed at the thought of approaching someone and beginning a friendship.
How can we break past our tendencies to remain isolated?
Who are some people (in real life, not fictional) that you believe display a real authentic, healthy relationship?
What do you think is the reason for that?
Read Matthew 22:36-40
These two commandments are considered the greatest to Jesus and they point directly to relationships.
What does that say about God’s view on relationships?
Do we do a good job of living out these commandments? Why?
Digging In
Relationships come in so many forms.
With God
Through our kids
The list goes on.
In every single relationship, the driving force that creates distance is the differences we have. But what if instead of pushing each other away because we’re different, we learned to encourage our differences?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:18-20
If God created us differently, why do we dislike each other’s differences?
What would It look like for us to love one another through our differences?
Can you think of a relationship in your life where someone is completely different than you, but you couldn’t imagine life without them? Share
Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
The pastor on Sunday said that You cannot do life alone and find true fulfillment.
What would you find through a life spent alone?
How do begin, right here, establishing what Ecclesiastes talks about?
Next Step
Being the beginning of the fall life group term, relationships may be new and uncertain. Maybe you’re unsure of what the people sitting next to you are like or maybe you do know exactly what they’re like and that scares you. Either way, God has placed these people in your life for a reason and it’s a great opportunity to grow closer to God and grow closer to one another. Discuss as a group some goals you hope to achieve together during this fall term. This will allow you to look back and celebrate how far God has brought you.