The Nine | Seven: The Enthusiast

Big Ideas:

·      God can use you right where you are with all that you have.


Note for leader: Remember the 70/30 rule. Try to have your group speak 70% of the time and you speak 30% so you don’t dominate the conversation!


Getting Started:

·      What’s the biggest risk in life you’ve ever taken? What was the feeling like of committing to that risk?

·      Is there anything that you’ve ever just picked up and been automatically good at? What is that thing and why do you think it was so easy?


Digging In

Today we discuss the 7: Enthusiast, always looking for adventure, always wanting to be out and about, always finding the best. You want to surround yourself with a 7 because they will make a room come alive. You never have to worry about having a good time because they in fact are the good time. However, if a seven doesn’t know how to stop they can burn themselves and everyone around them out.



·      Are there any 7: Enthusiasts in the group?

·      After reading the description do you agree that you reflect this personality?

·      What can make a Seven strong?


King David is actually a 7. His life reflects a constant excitement with adventure such as fighting Goliath and winning. We’re going to look at the moments he became king of Israel though.


Read 2 Samuel 6:14-16

·      David’s partying

·      Half naked

·      Enjoying himself as he brings the Ark of the covenant into Jerusalem.

·      What is the ark of the covenant? What is it’s significance?


The pastor said that The Enthusiast reflects God’s joy.

·      How do we see David reflect the joy of God in this scene?

·      Why is it easier for some people to have joy than others?

·      Read James 1:2-3. How can we have this kind of joy in our lives?


The Enthusiast is a master Reframer.

·      When you hear the term reframing, what do you think of?


It means they can turn any situation to reflect what they want it to look like. That also means they can avoid truth when they hear it.


·      Give some real life examples of ways we all reframe situations in our lives.

·      What is a positive and a negative of reframing?

·      How do you respond when something is honest but you don’t want to accept it?

·      Many times we put off the things that God is trying to reveal in us. What does it take to finally accept something?


Read Philippians 4:12-13

One of the needs for the 7 is to find contentment in all things.


·      Paul found contentment in the middle of a jail cell. What was it that allowed him to remain content?

·      How do you struggle with discontentment?

·      What would life look like to be content with all things?


Closing Prayer


God help me to run to you and not from pain. Help me to develop deep and lasting friendships with     people who want to have fun, but can also keep me grounded. Help me to have the tough 

conversations that real life requires and remind me to be thankful for what you have done.  



The Nine | Eight: The Challenger


The Nine | Six: The Loyalist