The Nine | Two: The Helper

Big Idea:

When you understand how God created you, you can grow in your love for those around you.


“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” - Aristotle


Note to the Leader:

This is a help for you to engage and guide the conversation with you group.

Do your best to make this story come to life by asking questions that will spur your group into seeing this play out in real time. 

You do not have to read every question; they are just there if you need them to move the main idea forward.


Getting Started:

Read Romans 12:4-5

Being different just means we’re all fulfilling different parts of the same equation.

·      This week specifically we focus on the 2: The Helper, are there any “2s” in the group?

·      Why would it be important to learn about all 9 numbers instead of just your own?

·      What are the strengths/weaknesses of the Two: The Helper? (Look at the app and what it says about the passion/fixation for type 2)


Note: This is a great opportunity to invite your group to take the test if they haven’t already. Just download EnneaApp and click “Find your results”.


Digging In

The Enneagram provides us insight and understanding on how the church, the body of Christ, works together.

While the Enneagram is not built around The Bible, it can open our eyes to ways God uniquely designed each of us.


Read Luke 10:38-42

·      Are you familiar with the story of Mary and Martha? If not, have someone briefly explain.

·      Someone in this story is the 2: Helper, who is it?

·      What makes that person this personality type?

  • (She is serving and that is her priority)


Read Luke 10:38-40 Again

·      The Two Helper in this story is upset (so upset that she demands Jesus do something about the situation). Does she have reason to be upset?

·      Think about a time where you felt like you were the only one working/serving to get things done?


Martha asks Jesus if He even cares that Mary has left her to do the work by herself.

·      Discuss: More than being upset that she is doing all the work, do you think Martha is upset that Mary is not being scolded for being “lazy”?


Then, Martha goes a bit too far, which is what can happen when we feel taken advantage of:


Luke 10:40:

·      Discuss: Martha demands something of Jesus! Was there a time when you were so frustrated that you reacted in a way that shocked even yourself?


Luke 10:41-42

·      Share: What is the real issue that Jesus is trying to get Martha to see?

·      Discuss: Jesus was not telling Martha that what she was doing is wrong, but what was He telling her?

·      Discuss: How do we keep ourselves from being “worried and upset about many things”?

·      Discuss: How can we shift our focus to the “one thing” that is needed?


The Issue of a misguided 2: The Helper/Martha

Her pride caused her to feel that she knew what the better thing to be doing was.

·      Martha feels like Jesus is letting Mary get away with being lazy. In our lives, 2’s can feel an injustice done to them. How can we support a 2’s perspective and love them for their viewpoint?


Jesus reminded her, “Mary has chosen what is better, and that will not be taken away from her”.


Next Step:


The pastor said: “An unhealthy 2 can become so busy they miss out on meaningful relationships.”

·      If serving people was the heart of Jesus, how can serving be “wrong or unhealthy”?

·      How would this keep us from meaningful relationships?


The pastor said: If the 2: Helper can’t serve people, they don’t know who they are.

·      When a 2: Helper allows what they do for others to define them, things get unhealthy. How so?


Jesus has made you uniquely you. He loves you when you are serving – because He came to serve. He loves you when you are sitting at His feet – because that is “what is best”.


The question for the Two: The Helper is, can you love yourself and see your value when you are serving as well as when you are sitting?


Closing Prayer

Each week there is a specific prayer geared for the number we are looking at. Here is the prayer for the Two: The Helper:


God, I thank you for the Two Helper. Lord, I love them. I’m afraid they are going to feel ashamed. Let them know of your love. Help them live in freedom and serve out of the fullness of loving you, not serving to be loved, but serving because they are already loved.

God, help all of us help the Two Helper in our lives with all our hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.


The Nine | Three: The Achiever


The Nine | One: The Reformer